We are firm believers that God has a calling on all those who follow Him, the choice is ours as to accept it or not. If you choose to follow His calling, you do it because you love and trust Him. For some the call is to travel to the Amazon or other remote places in the world; for others it’s prison ministry or other areas of human suffering; others, it’s into a part of the world where God has called us, a place where the gospel has been shared, but has become dark and callous to anything and everything about God; and for many it’s a call to support those who go. The important thing to remember is that no matter where God calls you, you do it; even if the path is difficult. You stay the course until He closes the door.
As we raise the awareness of our needs of HiS Print, we ask that you pray about the possibility of walking along side us, investing yourself through the resources God has given you: your energy, your prayers, or your finances. We only want you to invest your energy if God gives you the time. To only invest your prayers if God lays the ministry on your heart. And to invest financially if it is good for your spiritual health and journey. Currently you may be spread too thin in all areas, and we understand that, it means He’s not calling you to join us, at this time, and that’s okay!
Our desire is to share the vision of our mission to love people where they are and ‘till they ask why: locally, globally and glocally. Watching this vision materialize in front of our eyes and grow beyond our imagination would not have been accomplished without people like you sharing your resources. Now God has asked us to embark on a huge undertaking to make His plan and path forward become a reality. Taking this next step “Locally” is to further develop HiS Place, our ministry property in Alvin, TX., with the construction of God’s Garage (10,000 sq ft warehouse) and a small chapel; In “Global” ministry in the Balkans, a region torn by war for centuries and hit hard by cultural and economic stress causing many to push God away, God continues to expand opportunities for us to love and serve there; and our “Glocal” ministry, the collecting of donated sports equipment locally and distributing it globally is exploding. Those shipments have totaled over 150,000 pounds sent to 50 countries; spanning the globe from Argentina to Kazakhstan, from Iceland to Papua New Guinea and many places in between.
We receive requests from around the world often and we collect around Houston and the state constantly. Without vision we would perish and without a mission we would lose our way. This year, like every year, has been a year of lessons learned while walking on His illuminated path. Praying continually and constantly for His path to remain visible takes patience. We often catch ourselves wanting it to be this way or that, wanting the timing to be “right now or at least tomorrow”; But God has the perfect time clock.
His timing is the only timing that matters and to experience that takes observation, dedication and determination, along with that patience. Many times, we see His path and we takeoff and get ahead of Him, missing the steps He wants to guide us through. To travel His path at His speed is the only way you can achieve His Sacred Pace. Sacred Pace allows you to receive His optimum protection and provision.
That involves surrendering all that you are and submitting all that you have to get in alignment with Him taking steps when He does.
HiS Print started in 2005 when God called me to be a missionary, but I didn’t want to hear it. When He called me to Croatia in 2006, I agreed to go, but reluctantly. In 2008, God opened my heart to understand why the call to go and in 2010, HiS Print Ministries was created, with over 200 people that have joined us overseas. God expanded our local ministry in 2019 through the gift of HiS Place, the 10 acres we call home and in 2020 I created Soul Medicine, a daily podcast to share God’s word that is still going strong today.
Now in 2025, God is creating more open doors to develop relationships here, in Croatia and around the globe. I feel confident in His amazing vision He has laid before us, and excited about what lies ahead. However, these next steps are time consuming and financially cumbersome with an estimated budget of$400,000 to build the foundation, plumbing, electrical and structure for God’s Garage and about $50,000 for that small chapel. We will not take those steps until God has raised the financing necessary. He has been faithful so far in raising some of those finances, but the amount needed has not been achieved.
Walking by faith on God’s path has been the learning experience of a lifetime. Trusting Him to create ways for us to raise awareness of what He has done through the ministry has been remarkable. God has met all our needs the past 18 years through people like you. Those years have been difficult, but not too hard. It’s been disheartening at times, but not devastating. It’s been a struggle, but nothing that has broken our spirit. It’s had its share of disappointments, but always followed by glimmers of hope.
The more we touch the intimate love God used to create, sustain and guide us, the more we recognize the multitude of fruits harvested from that love. We are all about relationships and if that’s your desire to develop one with us, we could use you. We are ready for what He has set before us and the battles that will come along the way. Doubt, fear, or worry are not part of our vocabulary because our vertical focus remains on Him, and we allow Him to carry the load. When we minister together, each supporting the kingdom with the riches we possess, we work together for the expansion and coming of His Kingdom. If God places a calling on your heart and you would like to hear more, please reach out, I would love the opportunity to grow together and grow closer to God in the process.
Thank you so much for your time and remember Jesus loves you and so do I!
HE DID IT! For us!
Let’s Do IT! For others!